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Download South African Postal Codes and Coordinates

Download a comprehensive CSV file containing postal codes and coordinates for all provinces, municipalities, cities, and towns in South Africa. This data can be used for various purposes, including data analysis, mapping applications, and more.

The CSV file includes 1357 locations and features a header row with clear column names. Each location entry includes details like name, parent entry, postal code, and latitude/longitude coordinates.

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Example CSV

id parent place_type place_code code_type eng afr nbl xho zul nso sot tsn ssw ven tso street_code box_code latitude longitude last_modified
100354 100546 suburb Goedgedacht 9499 -27.6751784 27.2273243 2024-03-27T05:03:18.425889+00:00
100546 100792 town Kroonstad 9499 9500 -27.6502396 27.2123339 2024-03-27T05:03:18.417375+00:00
100792 100317 local_municipality FS201 municipal_code Moqhaka -27.6441918 27.2054554 2024-03-27T05:03:18.412595+00:00
100317 100332 district_municipality DC20 municipal_code Fezile Dabi -27.4793575 27.1809934 2024-03-27T05:03:18.355449+00:00
100332 None province ZA-FS iso_3166 Free State Vrystaat iFreyistata Freyistata Fuleyisitata Freistata Freistata Foreisetata Fureisitata Free State -28.7147949 25.7861003 2024-03-27T05:03:18.350420+00:00
101308 100945 suburb Welgelegen 7500 -33.8753717 18.5675568 2024-03-27T05:03:23.307722+00:00
100945 100172 town Parow 7500 7499 -33.8995078 18.5775949 2024-03-27T05:03:23.248379+00:00
100172 101317 metro_municipality CPT municipal_code City of Cape Town -33.8370431 18.5403069 2024-03-27T05:03:23.157733+00:00
101317 None province ZA-WC iso_3166 Western Cape Wes-Kaap iTjhingalanga-Kapa Ntshona-Koloni Ntshonalanga-Kapa Kapa Bodikela Kapa Bophirimela Kapa Bophirima Kapa Vhukovhela Kapa-Vupeladyambu -32.8697798 19.6348262 2024-04-20T06:24:06.032377+00:00